Financial Information

Trees Forever, Inc. is a 501(c)3 charitable organization, as designated by the U.S. Internal Revenue Service. All donations are tax deductible to the full extent allowed by law.

On average, about 86% of each dollar contributed to Trees Forever is used directly for our community and landowner programs. About 9% goes toward fundraising and related costs, with the balance used for education and support of projects and operations.

Trees Forever relies on memberships and direct contributions from individuals, foundations, businesses and organizations to support our efforts. Trees Forever’s total budget ranges from about $1.9 million to $3.5 million per year.

Please refer to the Trees Forever Annual Report for financial summaries, along with accomplishments and outcomes for our outstanding, award-winning programs. We take pride in managing our resources effectively, and strive to be a transparent organization by making information available to our donors and stakeholders.

Trees Forever has earned the Gold Nonprofit Profile Seal of Transparency from GuideStar.

Financial oversight of Trees Forever and its supporting Foundation are provided by the Trees Forever Board of Directors and Foundation Trustees. The Board’s Finance Committee provides monthly oversight, and the full Board of Directors reviews all financial reports and progress quarterly. Each year we have an annual audit done by an independent audit firm.